The Art of Tebori

tebori japanese technique

The Art of Tebori

TVR® OPT unveils a new range of metal core designs featuring Japanese hand carving known traditionally as ‘Tebori’. ‘Te’ means hand inJapanese and ‘bori’ means carving; hence, it is called hand-carving.

The Tebori’ technique was developed during the Edo period when Japanese arts and crafts truly flourished with its own codes of aesthetics. This engraving technique was employed in various objects including swords, hairpins, combs and many more. In order to perfect this engraving technique, ‘Tebori’ craftsmen have to first master the art of making a ‘tagane’ or a cold chisel that acts as a stencil-like tool for the patterns on the metal.

Today, there are only one one ‘Tebori’ craftsman in the optical field in Fukui, Japan and a few more in Tokyo focusing on pure gold products including jewellery, watch-making, ring and other gold trinkets featuring the unique hand-carving design; all marketed at very high values.

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tebori japanese technique
(Clockwise, Above) The making of TVR®527 The Infinity 8 — each eyepiece is carefully polished by hand to achieve the best precision and finish; Baroque Style 17th Century engraving metal core for a subtle yet extravagant detailing that can be appreciated at a closer look; The artistry of the engraving metal core is a meticulous process with high attention to detail.

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