Traditional Craftsmanship Technique by TVR

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Traditional Craftsmanship Technique by TVR

1) Zylonite/Celluloid sheet is cut according to size and datum holes are created on each piece.

2) The Zylonite/Celluloid piece is heated to the right temperature and bending process for the shape and curve of the bridge takes place.

3) After cutting out the shape of the lenses, the outer rim of the front is cut out with precision.

4) As the frame takes shape, several pieces at a time are tumbled in a drum of pumice (soft stone and plastic chips used as an abrasive) and small wood pegs. The bits of wood and stone grind against the fronts to smoothen the rough edges the traditional way.

5) Nose pads are added alongside the 7-barrel hinges and rivets on both sides of the front.

6) Both ends of the front and temples are edged to specific degree using the miter cutting technique.

7) A hole is made on each temple for the 7-barrel hinges. Once the 7-barrel hinges are inserted, two small holes are punched through for the rivets. The pieces are put together into a complete frame.

8) The frame is placed atop a traditional heater. Once its heated to the right temperature, the temples are bended to form a suitable curve.

9) The last step is to stamp the brand’s trademark on the inside of the frame and the perfected True Vintage Revival (TVR®) is presented to our customers.

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